Another Death
My stepfather called me and informed me that my maternal younger brother, Kerwin,
was admitted to hospital yesterday, as a result of having difficulty breathing and then diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. He died tonight at 11:15.
During my current sabbatical year, my father had an accident that resulted in him going into a coma. Two weeks later he died. My younger paternal brother, who felt responsible for the accident, committed suicide, after admitting himself into a hospital for depression and suicidal thoughts. He killed himself in the hospital, on medication. And now Kerwin. Kerwin had been misdiagnosed at least a month earlier as having asthma (not that a correct diagnosis would have changed this outcome, given the advanced stage of the disease).
All I can think to say to you is carpe diem.

During my current sabbatical year, my father had an accident that resulted in him going into a coma. Two weeks later he died. My younger paternal brother, who felt responsible for the accident, committed suicide, after admitting himself into a hospital for depression and suicidal thoughts. He killed himself in the hospital, on medication. And now Kerwin. Kerwin had been misdiagnosed at least a month earlier as having asthma (not that a correct diagnosis would have changed this outcome, given the advanced stage of the disease).
All I can think to say to you is carpe diem.
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