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Location: Massachusetts, United States

My "I" is constantly changing (perhaps this is merely AD/HD): overdetermined nexus of cultural forces emanating from several continents: skeptical of all Truths and seeker of the truth: iconoclast by enculturation, brain chemistry, and, perhaps, choice: perpetually perplexed, particularly about why we exist/ as the manifestation of overdetermined forces whose existence (and nature) is not as solid (or simplistic) as we would like.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Burning the Flag versus Burning the Cross

Which of the above does the Republican leadership consider an offense worthy of a constitutional amendment? At least the German government knew enough to ban swastikas and other hate symbolism when they decided to place some boundaries around free expression. Republicans, on the other hand, think it is burning the flag that is the dangerous expression, not swastikas and confederate battle flags or burning crosses. I know, I know, they don't want to offend a key constituency that keeps them in office, particularly a constituency that is so full of hatred that they are easily manipulated, can't recognize what would be in their interest (such as a government that isn't corrupt, provides them with health care, education, clean water and air and other protections that might reduce their chances of suffering and dying of cancer or other diseases), and either votes Republican or doesn't vote at all. Too bad the Republicans aren't as good at understanding history as the German political parties, who recognized (even if a bit too late for a large number of people) that getting in bed with hate mongerers destroys all values and leaves a landscape of devastated lives and broken morals. On the other hand, since they are trying to find some issue to stir up their "base" then perhaps we should count our blessings it isn't something more divisive. What are the Democrats doing while this flag show is being orchestrated?