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Location: Massachusetts, United States

My "I" is constantly changing (perhaps this is merely AD/HD): overdetermined nexus of cultural forces emanating from several continents: skeptical of all Truths and seeker of the truth: iconoclast by enculturation, brain chemistry, and, perhaps, choice: perpetually perplexed, particularly about why we exist/ as the manifestation of overdetermined forces whose existence (and nature) is not as solid (or simplistic) as we would like.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Neo-cons and Lebanon

If I read the events in Lebanon properly, perhaps the neo-conservatives currently in control of the C.I.A. actually know what they are doing. Next step --- install an accomodationist regime in Beirut. Bashar Assad is now in full scale retreat.

In any event, with oil prices in the stratosphere, the Saudis, among others, are happy campers. This also puts the Saudi royal bureaucracy in a position to dole out lots of largesse, which may be just the thing to quiet (for the time being) unrest in the Kingdom of Crude.