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Location: Massachusetts, United States

My "I" is constantly changing (perhaps this is merely AD/HD): overdetermined nexus of cultural forces emanating from several continents: skeptical of all Truths and seeker of the truth: iconoclast by enculturation, brain chemistry, and, perhaps, choice: perpetually perplexed, particularly about why we exist/ as the manifestation of overdetermined forces whose existence (and nature) is not as solid (or simplistic) as we would like.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Nader and Greens Should Join Republican Party

If Ralph Nader and the Greens, who may be trying to distance themselves from Nader, want to impact American politics, economics, culture, and the future of the global natural environment in a positive way, then perhaps they should join the Republican Party and attempt to do the same thing that the right-wing evangelicals did --- gain influence over the Grand Old Party and, by that approach, influence public policy. I don't expect them to do this, however. They are far too conservative for such a bold strategy.