My Photo
Location: Massachusetts, United States

My "I" is constantly changing (perhaps this is merely AD/HD): overdetermined nexus of cultural forces emanating from several continents: skeptical of all Truths and seeker of the truth: iconoclast by enculturation, brain chemistry, and, perhaps, choice: perpetually perplexed, particularly about why we exist/ as the manifestation of overdetermined forces whose existence (and nature) is not as solid (or simplistic) as we would like.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Exit Stage Right: I'm Out of the Market

I've sold just about everything and I'm now standing pat until something interesting happens or at least until I have a chance to take a real vacation and finish some academic/creative projects. I expect there will be a good money making opportunity of some sort in the not too distant future (when I'm back). Soooo, I'm off to work on academic stuff (my son says I must be ADD, given the number of projects I'm working on simultaneously) and enjoy the sunshine (it is unlikely to appear often here in Western Massachusetts, so we'll just have to go on the road and find it). I'll go back into the market (not including retirement money, which remains invested) when the dust settles and the printer cartridge runs out.