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Location: Massachusetts, United States

My "I" is constantly changing (perhaps this is merely AD/HD): overdetermined nexus of cultural forces emanating from several continents: skeptical of all Truths and seeker of the truth: iconoclast by enculturation, brain chemistry, and, perhaps, choice: perpetually perplexed, particularly about why we exist/ as the manifestation of overdetermined forces whose existence (and nature) is not as solid (or simplistic) as we would like.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Mini Clip from the Play, Cotton Plant

A couple of years ago, my close friend Jens, who has added thespian to his many talents, asked me to write a play and I promised I'd do it. It took a backseat to the China book, among other things, but I keep my promises. For no particular reason, other than that I had the urge, here is a very very short clip (part of a conversation between Degenhart and his daughter, Petra) from the play in progress:

Petra: People think they know you, but they don't know anything about you.

Degenhart: Did that come to you recently as some sort of revelation?

Petra: Are you making fun of me?

Degenhart: Fun? There is nothing fun about revelations.

Petra: Okay, now I'm certain of it. You are making fun of me.

For no particular reason, other than the revelation that I can do whatever I want with this blog, I'll post a few clips from the play from time to time. Why not?