Ted Bradshaw Obituary

Ted was one of the hosts of the Rural Development Leadership Network Summer Institute at U.C. Davis. We mourn the passing of a good friend and colleague.
August 11, 2006
Obituary: Ted Bradshaw
By Susanne Rockwell
Ted Bradshaw, a UC Davis professor of community development who helped California communities grapple with base closures, energy issues and creating healthy social systems, died Aug. 5 while jogging near his home in Oakland. He was 63.
Trained as a rural sociologist, Bradshaw came to the Department of Human and Community Development as an assistant professor in 1995 after a nearly 20-year career as a researcher and lecturer at UC Berkeley. He made full professor in June.
Bradshaw was a leader in the areas of rural development, community development and energy policy. Most recently, he chaired the effort to establish the new Center for the Study of Regional Change and was appointed last year as director of the Gifford Center for Population Studies, which focuses on population issues in California's Central Valley.
Dear Friends and Acquaintances:
Please forgive this broadsweeping communication. I wanted to make sure that this news reached as many of the friends of our family as possible in haste.
My healthy and exceptionally energetic husband of 35 years, Ted Bradshaw, collapsed from a heart attack on the Lake Temescal running trail on Saturday morning August 5, 2006. Courageous and generous attempts at resuscitation by nearby witnesses as well as fire and ambulance paramedics failed to revive him.
My son Niels was with me when the police brought us to Ted in the Summit Hospital Emergency Room. We were blessed with 6 hours to be with a man at peace who lived his life loving everything he did. Initially our most pressing project was to bring our youngest son Liam home from Europe, where he was working for the summer. Our family is together now and we have been comforted by the amazing outpouring of affection and support that has come our way.
There will be a memorial service in Berkeley next Friday (details below) as well as a memorial service at UC Davis, probably in October. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you think would want this sad news or information about services.
Please pray for the repose of Ted's good hearted soul and for me and my sons as we build a new life in spirit with him.
Betty Lou, Niels and Liam
Memorial Mass for Ted K. Bradshaw
Friday, August 18, 2006
2:00 p.m.
Newman Holy Spirit Parish
2700 Dwight Way (at College Avenue)
Berkeley, California, 94704
(510) 848-7812
Reception to follow near the UC Berkeley Campus
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