Why Are Republicans Operatives Lying So Profusely?
I think most Americans are sick and tired of the sort of extreme dishonesty that has dominated political rhetoric during the Bush era. It may be ok with a propaganda machine like Fox News (Berlusconi would be proud, as would Joseph Goebbels and the radio talking heads in Rwanda who promoted genocide) but I think people are not that gullible any more. What am I specifically referring to? The way the GOP has stretched credulity in their attacks on Senators Obama and Biden and the bizarre arguments being made about Sarah Palin. Who actually believes the argument that being mayor of a town of 6,000 in remote Alaska and then governor for 18 months is the sort of experience that McCain considers suitable to be president? Doesn't that call into question McCain's own "experience" (wouldn't it have been better for him to be a mayor or governor of any place than sitting in the U.S. senate for 26 years?). I just want honesty, people. Stop this b.s. We need a government that is at least moderately trustworthy. Run the campaign on the basis of different public policies, not frat boy political games. If you lie this profoundly and easily (a sure sign of being sociopaths), then you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the U.S. treasury or the U.S. military. It's amazing how these people can turn a person off in less than 48 hours. I was actually excited by McCain's choice until I was subjected to these jerks.